What does this module do?

Trains staff how to compile session notes for use in each session.

What is the aim?

To ensure standardisation of note taking in sessions, so that safeguarding, confidentiality and duty of care requirements are adhered to, and to evaluate fidelity and impact of interventions.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

2 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

Used through sessions.

What does this module do?

Trains to staff how to ensure duty of care and safety for staff and children in 1-2-1 and small group settings.

What is the aim?

To ensure staff are aware of, and how to ensure the maintenance of, professional boundaries during therapy sessions.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

2 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

For reference and use throughout sessions.

What does this module do?

Trains staff how to conduct in-depth assessment for the identification of appropriate child interventions.

What is the aim?

To ensure staff have the ability to conduct a thorough assessment of children’s difficulties in order to better understand the provenance, the triggers, the risk factors, the protective factors, and the perpetuating factors of the mental health factors.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

2 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

2 x1 hour sessions

What does this module do?

Trains staff to use a tool that develops children’s understanding of their own mental health.

What is the aim?

To provide staff who conduct interventions a with tool to that helps children understand how their difficulties manifest. A key tool in beginning to understand and manage mental health presentations.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

30 minutes

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

10 minutes in each session/or use as standalone 10 minute tool.

What does this module do?

Trains staff in helping children to understand, recognise and reduce their anxiety levels.

What is the aim?

For staff to use cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) focused approaches to reduce children’s experiences of anxiety, including how to identify, understand and reduce anxiety. The package includes the learning of key CBT tools.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

4 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

6-11 x1 hour sessions.

What does this module do?

Trains staff in helping children to understand, recognise signs of low mood/ depression and improve their levels of mood.

What is the aim?

For staff to use cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) focused approaches to reduce children’s experiences of low mood/ depression, including how to identify, understand and improve levels of mood. The package includes the learning of key CBT tools.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

4 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

8-12 x1 hour sessions.

What does this module do?

Trains staff in recognising and managing the presentations of children who have experienced or are still experiencing traumas/ ACES.

What is the aim?

For staff to use cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and other psychological informed approaches to recognise and reduce children’s trauma presentations.

Including how to build relationships, identify, understand and improve levels of associated anxiety and depression. The package includes the learning of key tools.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

2-3 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

To be used to complement anxiety and depression modules.

What does this module do?

To assist staff in reactive roles on how to even more quickly manage big emotions and strong behaviours. Key staff for training may include those on patrol in classroom settings.

What is the aim?

For staff to use psychologically informed approaches, including the window of tolerance, and escalation trajectories, to even better manage children with emotional dysregulation; included the learning of key tools.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

1.5 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

As need requires.

What does this module do?

To train staff in recognising the importance of sleep in successful interventions and children’s general adherence to classroom expectations, and how to promote and achieve better sleep hygiene.

What is the aim?

Sleep is regarded as being 70-80% of successful therapy. This package is designed to help identify sleep difficulties, promote better sleep and manage dysregulated sleeping habits.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

2-3 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

3 x 1 hour sessions.

What does this module do?

To help staff build self-esteem, confidence and emotional awareness

What is the aim?

A package to assist in creating and promoting better self-esteem, self-respect and confidence; including key tools.

How long would it take for staff to complete this training?

1-3 hours

Number of sessions required to deliver this module with children?

3 x1h sessions; to be used in conjunction with other therapies or as standalone approach.


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