
Alpha Academies Trust

Our goal is to guarantee that each student who attends one of our schools receives an outstanding educational experience in a supportive setting.

To continuously inspire and encourage our students to be the greatest versions of themselves, our staff members uphold the highest standards. Every school’s distinct implementation of the national curriculum guarantees that every student receives an education that is more than merely academic.

Our state-of-the-art facilities allow students to participate in a multitude of subjects that they may not otherwise be able to, from STEM and computing to Construction and Advanced Mathematics

What Operations Support Will You Get?

The Alpha Academies has used economies of scale to establish a highly effective back-office function.

The following central services are provided by the Trust

IT Infrastructure and Digital Transformation

Finance Management

Human Resources

Health and Safety

Contracts Management

Estates Management


Business Management


We will tender for the group rather than for individual academies and this will achieve economies of scale.

Alpha Scales


Education Support will you get

You will gain from the ongoing assistance of our highly skilled central team and the exceptional practitioners from all of our academies as a member of our network of academies.

In addition to receiving assistance from our central education staff, our schools gain from the strong partnership we have established among all the schools in our Trust. Since all stages and sectors of students are served by our schools, we are in a unique position to provide school-to-school support. Collaborating with colleagues in similar roles throughout the Trust, our school leadership teams and teachers are able to enhance their practise, exchange resources and ultimately offer pupils new possibilities.

Joining us | FAQ

What will happen to our governing board?

Academy Councils are in place to ensure local governance and accountability, with the Trust Board retaining accountability and control of its academies in line with Department for Education and Education Funding Agency expectations. If a school is in special measures the Trust Board is legally required to directly intervene to ensure that the school improves.

What will happen to our headteacher?

Where a headteacher is doing a good job, we would of course hope they will continue to lead the school following conversion.

Will staff have to re-apply for their jobs?

No, all staff will be TUPE’d over to the new ‘academy’ on the same terms and conditions.

Do you have a fixed curriculum you impose?

No, we trust our Academy leaders and Academy Councils to know what is right for their students and community. The Chief Executive, her team and the Trust Board will rigorously monitor and hold the leadership of the Academy to account. We work on a model of intervention in inverse proportion to success – in other words earned autonomy. In practical terms, we would not seek to impose any curriculum or pedagogy on our academies, but work with each Academy leader to ensure that their curriculum is fit for purpose.

What is your policy on uniform and will we have to change our name?

Any decisions over uniform and name would be matters for the Academy leaders and the Academy Council.

Will you change our school day or the pattern of the school year?

Any decision about changes to the school day or the pattern of the school year would be a matter for the Academy leaders and the Academy Council, not the Trust.