On this page is a live list of the learning networks that are active across the Trust with staff from every academy attending. For each network the group have identified clear objectives in what they want to achieve as a collective which have clear success criteria.

Trust Networks 2024 - 2025
Network | Lead | Objective 2024/25 | Success Criteria |
Research and Development | LES
Termly |
1/ To coordinate a research and development framework across the Trust
2/ To share best practice in R+D from all staff involved in the action research programme 3/ To engage with coaching and evidence based approaches to develop and accurately evaluate the impact of the action research projects |
1/ All academies have fully embed the research and development framework
2/ Best practice is shared across the Trust from evidenced R+D
3/ A group of 10+ staff across the Trust are fully enagaged in the action research programme |
Subject networks- Secondary
(English, Maths, Science, Humanities,PE, Computing)
Trust Standard leads
1. Collaboratively develop an all through curriculum with high quality resources available for all (including Careers)
2. T+L/Curriculum good practice to be shared across the Trust
3. Establish consistent and effective achievement processes to raise outcomes. |
1/ High standard curriculum resources are collaboratively created and shared with clear links between primary and secondary
2. Best practice teaching and learning approaches are shared across the Trust
3. Accurate assessments and effective achievement processes are consistently implemented. |
Subject networks-Primary
(All subjects) |
Trust Standard leads
Termly |
1/ Work collaboratively to develop an all through curriculum supported by high quality resources, which meets the needs of all students.
2/ Peer reviews/network meetings identify areas of good practice in T&L/curriculum to spread expertise and good practice and raise standards.
3/ Create opportunities for cross trust moderation to quality assure judgements.
1. High standard all-through curriculum resources are collaboratively created and shared.
2. Cross-trust activity results in curriculum areas showing improvement and meeting academy card targets.
3. Moderation ensures accurate assessments in key areas across the Trust.
Secondary |
Half termly |
1. Collaboratively develop a Key stage 3 Assessment model which is fit for purpose
2. Embed Trust Backbone to ensure rigour in assessment processes 3. Plan frequent progress checks in Core/EBACC to evidence progress between assessment points in Y11 4. Develop opportunities for students to improve outcomes from summative assessments following Assessment points 5. Embed RADY (Raising attainment to disadvantaged youngsters) principles to Year 7 and 8 cohort
1. Assessment in Y8 uses clear Assessment objectives which follow a secure curriculum intent and accurately assess the substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge in all subject areas.
2. Secondary trust assessment processes are both robust and consistent across secondary academies 3. Staff show evidence of frequent short assessment opportunities which are tracked and show improvements in raw marks between assessment points 4. Metacognition approaches (QLA/Exam Wrappers) support students in understanding their strengths & weaknesses and thorugh reteach opportunities of weak areas are able to increase their assessment grade through retesting of weaker areas 5. Year 7 & 8 disadvantaged students targets and progress is equalised in English & Maths
Safeguarding | PAS
1. To develop 1st class Mental Health Provision across the Trust
2. To ensure students ARE safe because of exemplary practice 3. To clearly identify and reduce risk 4. To create a positive culture of safeguarding where all students FEEL safe 5. To develop a CPD programme for staff
1. All Academies have mental health provision so no child is on a waiting list and students know there is a full package of support if needed.
2. My Concern QA shows concerns are actioned in a timely manner, so students are safer because of decisions made. 3. Academies reduce risk areas based on My Concern data and allegations against members of staff 4. Student voice indicates that they feel supported, safe, looked after and a sense of belonging. 5. All academies have highly trained staff, who are knowledgeable, skilled and confident in assessing, reporting and actioning risks and concerns.
Termly |
1. Review, implement, evaluate and monitor WWDs for inclusion/SEND in each Academy
2. Improve QFT through effective use of CPD and clear ISP teaching strategies, which is monitored and evaluated for impact 3. Review, plan and implement effective provision for students with SEMH – share good practice using evidence-based interventions 4. Develop SEND parent/carer engagement to support with the regular review of ISP targets and EHC outcomes
1. Policies are fit for purpose and evidence shows they are well embedded in each academy – what it says, is what happens
2. T&L monitoring shows that teachers are good or better at implementing QFT strategies in their lessons 3. Number of suspensions reduces and attendance improves for students who are identified as SEMH 4. ISP targets are challenging to ensure EHC outcomes are achieved and amended to ensure students make good/better progress. EHC data is positive.
Behaviour and Attendance | IAB
JAC Separate attendance network termly |
1/To establish a positive culture across the Trust which nurtures a sense of belonging and pride in every stakeholder.
2/To embed learning habits and routines across the Trust.
3/To share interventions and strategies used to improve behaviour and suspensions across both sectors.
4/Create a consistent approach to behaviour across the Trust
5/To raise attendance levels across the Trust and share interventions and strategies used to improve attendance. (Include annual review of policies)
1/ Academy visions and values are evident in all aspects of daily life in every Academy.
2/ All students and staff recognise and display the learning habits most important to their school.
3a/ Pastoral teams to receive training in each setting in order to expand the capacity of intervention delivery. 3b/ Suspension Rates and Permanent Exclusions are reduced in every Academy setting.
4/Behaviour Incidents are recorded & actioned consistently via Arbor.
5/ Attendance rates across all Academies are at least in line with the national average.
Pupil Premium-RADY | Challenging Eduaction
Termly |
1/Share findings and good practice as part of the RADY development across Primary and Secondary settings. | 1/ RADY programme is on track and good practice shared across the Trust. |
Character and Careers | LOB
Half termly |
1. To ensure the effective and consistent implementation of the Universal Character & Careers strategy across the Trust
2. Develop collaboration with industry and Trust partnerships to support delivery of the Character & careers strategy.
3. Ensure the Trust network shares good practise and develops an impact evaluation tool that evidences the character development (Inc. employability competencies) of pupils across the Trust. |
1. All leaders/teachers support and promote the implementation of the Character & careers strategy.
2. Evidence of the impact of the career’s strategy on post 16 destinations (pupils accessing appropriate level courses)
3. Characters and careers permeate throughout the curriculum across the Trust.
4. Employability skills competencies are intrinsic through the character curriculum.
Environmental Sustainability | JEB/STG
Termly |
1. To establish a collaborative events planner for sustainability across all schools to drive sustainability at pupil level.
2. To reduce resource consumption across all academies
3/Improve recycling across all Trust sites
1/ A clear vision and policy for environmental sustainability is established.
2/Evidence from the pilot project used to create a clear and realistic programme for waste reduction that can be rolled out across the Trust
3/ Recycling opportunities identified and networking agreements with other establishments and organisations developed |
Business Managers | DED/ANL
Half termly |
1. In line with KCSIE and Ofsted Safeguarding requirements, ensure the Single Central Register for each Academy is transferred to new HR system.
2. Audit and produce a suite of Job Descriptions for all staff across the Trust.
3. Stage three of the digital transformation, to transfer all of the recruitment, absence and contract information to the new HR system, including new academy joining the trust to further enhance the Business administration areas to become more effective and efficient.
4. To collaboratively work together to transfer data from Sims to Arbour within the HR section.
1. Single Centra Register is available on new HR system and is compliant and is fully accessible by all HR contacts.
2. . HR Managers and Recruitment to have a corporate suite of job descriptions available to use for existing staff and new job adverts.
3. All Business administration files are streamlined, and the new HR system is rolled out to staff.. Duplication of paperwork is reduced and new HR system in place for recruitment, absence and contracts.
4. Accurate HR information transferred from Sims to Arbour. School Census and School Workforce Census are completed and submitted accurately on the new system.
Other networks
· Executive Board-1/2 termly · Principal/VP days- Bi annual · SLT leadership conference- Annual · Trust CPD INSET day- Annual · Governor training conference- Termly · Trust Standard Leads strategy session- Bi annual |