Supporting Mental Health Across Our Academy Community

At our academy, we are committed to providing comprehensive mental health support for staff, students, and families. Below, you will find a detailed overview of the various services available, ranging from staff consultations and direct student support to whole-school initiatives and parental guidance. Our goal is to ensure that every member of our community has access to the right resources, interventions, and expertise to promote well-being and positive mental health.

Explore the sections below to learn more about how we can support you.

Consultations about children with mental health presentations with behavioural presentations.

Both for help in the assessment of need and to inform interventions going forward. This will be via meetings where we can discuss young people who are presenting with difficulties that are behavioural and often linked to their mental health. Here we can briefly discuss what is going on for them and how they act/ behave/ present around your academy. Here we can design possible interventions to support their mental health and affect their behaviour over time.

Consultations on emerging and existing cases.

To help in assessing new cases and ones already on internal and external waiting lists. This process helps to understand what is happening for our child, what immediate interventions we can use to try to more quickly reduce difficulties and possible tricky behaviours. The process also helps in the identification of more acute/ severe cases which we can discuss options for signposting to external agencies.

Support triaging of new and existing cases

To offer help in understanding the urgency of our children’s needs. This involves discussing the child’s known history, how they present, studying their mental health screener and other data we may have to get a good idea of their level of need compared to other children on your waiting lists or currently being seen by your staff for support. This helps to reduce the chances that children in need are left without support and lessen the chances that their difficulties and tricky behaviours become even more impactful around your academy.

Classroom observations on children with mental health and behavioural presentations.

A highly limited provision when children for whom we have high level concerns, are observed in their classroom setting. This opportunity allows the study of their behaviours towards adults and their peers, their relationships with work and toward ‘rules’ and what capacities they may already have to manage their emotions. This can also help us to understand whether the child is experiencing mental health or other difficulties.

Assessing a child directly

A highly limited provision that is only for children ages 7 and above, with severe/ acute mental health difficulties identified via your Academy screener. Over one session we work directly with a child to establish a clearer idea of their difficulties, experiences, their feelings, suitability for therapy, and establish possible options moving forward.

Support Quality Assurance of Academy mental health provision

To provide regular support, feedback and input via face to face or online consultations in your academy’s development toward meeting the Trust’s Mental Health audit.

Support QAing of 1-2-1 mental health interventions

A process to help support your evaluation of the 1-2-1 interventions your academy offers; this is carried out through randomly selecting and ‘interviewing’ students receiving therapy as well providing oversite and guidance to staff providing them.

Meetings with external agencies (limited availability)

Highly limited availability in providing clinical input to meetings with external agencies, not least CAMHS, to support referrals and to raise awareness with agencies of the child’s mental health difficulties.

Correspondence to outside mental health agencies, including CAMHS.

Provide input on correspondence and referrals to outside agencies, and help to add clinical definitions and language in correspondence with them. This is designed to help promote more beneficial outcomes and to increase process speeds.

Mental health/ behaviour waiting lists

Support in co-ordinating, ordering, triaging and discharging from your academy waiting lists, alongside providing input on the spectrum on of difficulties those children on your lists are likely encountering.

Whole School and small team CPD

Delivery of psycho-education packages, including on anxiety, depression, trauma and whole-school initiatives for instance 5 Minute Mind. These can pre-recorded for digital use, or in-person, for instance at Whole-School INSET, or for small specialist teams in your academy. Must be booked with notice. Options to construct bespoke training for your academy needs available.

Training of staff on 1-2-1 mental health interventions (see separate menu)

For small specialists teams, or individual teachers who deliver 1-2-1 mental health/ behaviour interventions. See separate menu for details of the most update training programmes available to staff.

Whole-academy interventions and provisions such as to external agencies to support mental health difficulties

Support via Higher Level Strategy meetings and consultations, around those young people for whom we have not yet been able to improve focus, reduce strong behaviours or manage mental health difficulties, and who are currently (or likely to be) on external waiting lists. Support can consist of the recommendation of academy-based alterations as well as providing support for access to external services that could reduce the child’s presentations.

Creating/ delivery of digital question and answer sessions for parents about their children.

The provision of online digital psycho-education to your parents, through the use of your school’s digital platforms, such as dojos, to gather questions. As part of this not only will parents have broad questions answered, such as those around anxiety, you academy will be able to house and build a permanent library of online resources around children’s mental health for parents to access.

Organising and supporting parent coffee-mornings (highly limited availability)

Support in managing and organising coffee-mornings with parents to help promote mental health awareness, and provide sign-posting. Highly limited availability to support these mornings and provide direct psycho-education to parents.


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