Support Quality Assurance of Academy mental health provision
To provide regular support, feedback and input via face to face or online consultations in your academy’s development toward meeting the Trust’s Mental Health audit.
Support QAing of 1-2-1 mental health interventions
A process to help support your evaluation of the 1-2-1 interventions your academy offers; this is carried out through randomly selecting and ‘interviewing’ students receiving therapy as well providing oversite and guidance to staff providing them.
Meetings with external agencies (limited availability)
Highly limited availability in providing clinical input to meetings with external agencies, not least CAMHS, to support referrals and to raise awareness with agencies of the child’s mental health difficulties.
Correspondence to outside mental health agencies, including CAMHS.
Provide input on correspondence and referrals to outside agencies, and help to add clinical definitions and language in correspondence with them. This is designed to help promote more beneficial outcomes and to increase process speeds.
Mental health/ behaviour waiting lists
Support in co-ordinating, ordering, triaging and discharging from your academy waiting lists, alongside providing input on the spectrum on of difficulties those children on your lists are likely encountering.
Whole School and small team CPD
Delivery of psycho-education packages, including on anxiety, depression, trauma and whole-school initiatives for instance 5 Minute Mind. These can pre-recorded for digital use, or in-person, for instance at Whole-School INSET, or for small specialist teams in your academy. Must be booked with notice. Options to construct bespoke training for your academy needs available.
Training of staff on 1-2-1 mental health interventions (see separate menu)
For small specialists teams, or individual teachers who deliver 1-2-1 mental health/ behaviour interventions. See separate menu for details of the most update training programmes available to staff.
Whole-academy interventions and provisions such as to external agencies to support mental health difficulties
Support via Higher Level Strategy meetings and consultations, around those young people for whom we have not yet been able to improve focus, reduce strong behaviours or manage mental health difficulties, and who are currently (or likely to be) on external waiting lists. Support can consist of the recommendation of academy-based alterations as well as providing support for access to external services that could reduce the child’s presentations.