Welcome to Alpha Academies Trust

We are really excited that you have decided to join our team.

We understand that starting a new role can be daunting, and want to help you settle into you role as quickly as possible. This page is your Trust Induction Pack – everyone who joins us gets this information, regardless of their role, and it’s really important that you read it carefully. It is a collection of crucial policies, documents and training of which everyone working in our Trust needs to be aware. You must read through this carefully, and when you have done so submitted your completed forms. It is really important that you do this before you start your new role. 

Get in touch with us as soon as you can if you’re not sure about anything, or if there is a problem with any of the links. If you have any questions at all, about anything, please contact the Trust Recruitment Team by emailing: recruitment@alphaacademiestrust.co.uk 

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Ser Document Type Action required
B1 Behaviour for Learning Policy Document Read and understand the document
B2 Behaviour for Learning induction

Accompanying resources

Video (passcode aSe#UU2f) Watch the video


Ser Document Type Action required
C1 Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy Document Read and understand the document
C2 SEND induction Video (Passcode: FF@E%rM0) Watch the video

Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion

Ser Document Type Action required
D1 Being An Ally To Your Students Video Watch the video
D2 Equality, diversity and inclusion training Training* Complete the training and download the certificate at the end. You need to upload the certificate to submit your Induction Pack Confirmation Form

Data Protection and Cyber Security

Ser Document Type Action required
D1 Being An Ally To Your Students Video Watch the video
D2 Equality, diversity and inclusion training Training* Complete the training and download the certificate at the end. You need to upload the certificate to submit your Induction Pack Confirmation Form

Acceptable Use, Business Interests and Whistleblowing

Ser Document Type Action required
F1 Whistleblowing Policy Document Read and understand the document
F2 Acceptable Use Policy Document Read and understand the document
F3 Acceptable Use Policy Confirmation Form Form Complete the form and submit it
F4 Annual Registration of Business Interests Form Form Complete the form and submit it


* This training is available via your National College account. You will have received a link to this separately. You need to follow the link, set up your account, and click on ‘Watch List’ on the left hand side of the page. All of this training will be there for you to watch. You can pause the training as many times as you like, but you must have completed it before you start your post in school

    Your Name

    Which Academy?

    Induction pack information

    Document uploads

    You need to upload a series of documents here. All documents need to in Word, PDF or JPG format.

    Please upload your Safeguarding In Schools Training certificate (A8) here*

    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, doc, docx, Max. file size: 32 MB.

    Please upload your Prevent Training certificate (A9) here*

    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, doc, docx, Max. file size: 32 MB.

    Please upload your Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Training certificate (D2) here*

    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, doc, docx, Max. file size: 32 MB.

    Please upload your Cyber Security Training certificate (E3) here*

    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, doc, docx, Max. file size: 32 MB.

    Please upload your Data Protection and GDPR Training certificate (E4) here*

    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, doc, docx, Max. file size: 32 MB.